新上市高功率High-power LED Plant Grow Lights 10W植物栽培燈
分類:LED植物燈 時間:2010/11/4 上午 01:05:00
這款新的LED Plant燈具產品,屬於培育植物用的LED照明燈具,能夠為居家盆栽、室內植物栽培、溫室等應用環境,針對光線不足,或夜間也要增加光源的植物而設計,只要安裝於一般螺旋頭燈具上即可。
不同於使用數十顆傳統子彈型 LED所組成卻不亮的LED植物燈。 High power LED (High Brightness LED)
較由數十顆LED組成之一般LED植物燈亮10-15倍, HIGH POWER LED相較與傳統LED。
不同一般植物燈管廣波段,LED 可強調強化植物葉綠素所需的波長,光源更有效率,加上LED省電與長壽的特色,植物栽培用燈可促使綠色植物加速行光合作用,
採用台灣大廠 高亮度、單顆高功率 HIGH POWER LED,壽命長,角度大。不同於傳統子彈型LED,只能提供低亮度、小角度照射。
Red 紅 (650-660nm) / Deep Red深紅 (650-680nm)
Purple Blue紫藍 (445-475nm) / 標準藍 (515-535nm)
四種LED可混合搭配,可指定波段自由調配,並提供一般大多數值物適用的標準配比(標準出貨),標準出貨為常用三種波長 Red 紅 (650-660nm) / Deep Red深紅 (650-680nm)/Purple
Blue紫藍 (445-475nm),這三波長非常適合植物的生長,開花,結果。
輸入電壓:交流AC 90~260V 50/60Hz
LED :High power LED *6
投射角度:40 度
耗電:小於 11W
尺寸: 約 D96mm x L113mm
淨重: 約 172g
保固: 一年
作業溫度: -20~ 50deg
台灣設計 台灣製造
Unique design for perfectly optical
雖然台灣日前有LED植物燈的發展,但日本向來還是這項技術的先行者,不但開發得早,商品化上市的動作也快。TMC LED
與日本技術合作,生產多種LED 植物燈,已有多種產品銷售至日本市場。TMC LED 數位蘋果網代理,LED
產品眾多,燈具、模組及驅動器的研發,並持續開發新產品,擁有專業的設計團隊,自設工廠歡迎配合 ODM / OEM 。

Creative prime time for plant
Plant Grow Lights
Let’s GOT it. This is cutting-edge design for plant. We offer a full line
for plant grow lights.
Plants grow best under certain light spectrums based on the plants' stages of
growth. Young seedlings get the light they need to grow strong and sturdy stems
when they are grown under the blue light spectrum offered by HIGH POWER LED
lights, among others. Mature plants that are ready to reproduce and set fruit or
flowers require light in the red and orange spectrum, which certain LED lights
make available. We love how we can easily switch between them to match or
manipulate our plants’ growth cycle. LED grow lights offer the dual benefit of
low energy consumption and low heat generation. An LED grow light designer isn’t
trying to reproduce sunlight or make up for the spectral shortcomings of a light
originally designed for another purpose. Instead, they are trying to create
optimal light output for photosynthesis.
.1 Red (620nm~630nm) / Red (650-660nm)
.2 Blue(455nm~475nm) / Blue (490nm~510nm)
benefits as follow
1. 95% energy of LEDs can be absorbed by plants, but only 10% by HPS or MHS
2. It saves 70% to 90% in energy consumption compared to fluorescent tubes, HPS
or MHS
3. Low heat generation. Reduce grow room temperature 15 degrees compare to HPS
or MHS
4. Nearly no maintaining.
5. High power LED estimate to last 50,000 hours
No UV, IR, Lead or Mercury.
PAR30 E27 LED Grow Light Bulbs
reduce the AC->DC->AC comsumption
DC current
Main Features
1. Model: PAR30 2. Lampholder: E27 3. LED Sources: 6PCS High Power LED 4. Wavelength
Red (620nm~630nm) / Red (650-660nm) Blue(455nm~475nm) / Blue
5. Beam Angle: 120/40degree. 6. red led quantity 5pcs, blue led quantity 1pcs, or other configuration
specified by customers. 7. lifetime: over 30,000hours. Applications 1. Hydroponics 2. Horticulture 3. Greenhouse 4. Seeding 5. Farm 6. Flower Exhibition 7. Garden 8. Bonsai
Custom specifications are also available, please feel free to
contact us.
